The fungus block Eric sent me has fruited. (That's the correct mycological jargon.) I harvested the mushrooms, and I had them for dinner last week with rice and vegetable stir fry. They were delicious, and I'm currently letting my shiitake block dry out before growing my next crop. I expect to have fewer and larger mushrooms the second time around. I'm also trying to grow another tray of shiitake from spores collected from my first harvest. We'll just have to see how that goes. It hasn't gone afoul yet (no unwanted growth, i.e. molds or the wrong fungus), but it hasn't done anything yet, either...

I've installed the new petcock on my motorcycle, and it seems to be running fine. I can rev the engine up to 9k rpm without trouble. In fact, I was running the engine at around 8-8.5k in third gear coming home earlier this week. Those revs and gearing put me at around 60 mph. You'd think everything on the bike is taken care of, but no. Not ever, it seems. I need to replace my front brake rotor (worn well beyond the service limit), and I am most likely due for new brake lines (replacement schedule of 2 years; likely the original ones are still on the bike-1999). I expect to take care of those things and give the bike a through tune-up this summer. Then, there's little to stop me from attempting a SS1000. Check out
IBA's website for details.

The shelf my father and I began when he visited is now finished. I painted it today, and we've moved it into the house. Tomorrow it will fill with the children's toys. For now, it's clean and white. John will be sure to change that.

btw- We've moved our love seat into the garage to make room for the new shelf. We called it the "man couch," and the kids had a blast playing on it in the garage.