The pergola over our back patio is now gone. Check out Liz's page for a couple of shots of the backyard destruction. I've now got a decent-sized pile of wood on the side of my house that I am slowly throwing away. I expect it will take several weeks of garbage collection to remove all of the pergola. I am now moving on to patching stucco in preparation for painting my house. Our house is currently medium tan with off-white trim. We're painting the house light tan with brown trim. We are some wild and crazy guys!
I've also just completed assembling a monster of a piece of furniture. Liz asked for a toy shelf for the kids that would fit under the window in our front room. The window is about 8' wide, and Liz wanted shelves 18" deep. So that's what she got. A 8' wide, 18" deep, and 30" tall shelf. I'll be doing some painting next weekend...

And, I just got a new petcock for my motorcycle. Check it out. (A petcock is a fuel valve. I just like the word.)

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